Employee Engagement
Employee Engagement is often wrongly interpreted as Employee Happiness or Satisfaction but the true meaning can be interpreted as where employees dont work for the company but work on behalf of the company.
High Employee Engagement is directly proportional to Organizational Performance as the employees will be enthusiastic and strongly committed towards their work. Almost all surveys show that engaged employees perform 20% more when compared to disengaged employees
To be ahead in the competition, employees contribution will be definitely a deciding factor. Employees contribution to the organization can be attributed to many things like-Work Culture & Environment, Job Satisfaction, Reward & Compensation, Career Growth .These contribute to Employee engagement as a whole.
To know what and how the employee feels about the above attributes, the Organization should step forward to assess the employee engagement index. To know the employee engagement index, the most common used and followed method is to conduct a survey. The Survey typically is based on the above mentioned attributes.
The Survey Acts as a tool to gather all the views and Opinions of the people. Survey can either be completely on Quantitative basis on an appropriate rating scale or Quantitative and Qualitative.
The end results of the survey i.e. Engagement Index Score helps Organizations to assess to what extent employees feel the ownership of the company. The survey highlights the Strength and Improvement areas on which the organization has to ponder and work on them to make employees more satisfied and engaged for the better output in the performance. The results also help in benchmarking with other top rated organizations to be ahead in the race.
The Survey is usually undertaken by a third party as it assures confidentiality and employees will not be hesitant to give true and honest feedback. Though traditionally Pen- Paper surveys have been undertaken to conduct the survey, it is time consuming and becomes difficult to do the analysis. With advent of online surveys, it has become very easy and quick to take feedback and analyze the data. Several formats of employee engagement surveys are available. However, it will be a boon for organizations to have a customizable system available wherein they have a choice of their own unique parameters, questions and rating scales and one which can be an easy on-line process to measure employee engagement. With the facility for a report to be generated with suggestions for interventions and action plans for improving employee engagement would make the job a speedy and productivity affair.
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